
3 minutes with CHARGE community member Gary C. Norman

By Penny Schnarrs posted 01-24-2023 03:18:49 PM


Did you know that as long as your personal values and interests align with those of the AAMC virtual communities, you, too, can be a member of one of the sub-communities? For instance, @Gary Norman, a member of the AAMC CHARGE Virtual Community (The AAMC Collaborative for Health Equity: Act, Research, Generate Evidence), is a great example of how virtual communities can bring together a much larger community who are interested in Health Justice.

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Gary C. Norman is an attorney, consultant, and columnist at Multi-Sector Partner Group/Pieces of Me Foundation and has been with the organization since June 2022. Learn more about Gary and why he participates in the AAMC virtual communities.

Gary Newman

Why do you think engaging in the AAMC Virtual Community is important?
It is important to have the disability voice included in all dialogue.

Do you have a professional skill or area of expertise that might be of particular interest to your peers in this community? Are you the “go-to” person at your institution for advice or expertise in a particular subject?
I have a strong footprint personally and professionally in disability inclusion. I hold a focus on addressing the historical exclusion of the disabled from the vital conditions for suitable health.

What should people in the virtual community contact you about? 
On any element of the vital conditions for improving and ensuring that people with disabilities have equal access to living, learning, and earning. On a non-disability side, they can contact me on Board DEIA and governance concerns.

What was the best book you most recently read?
The French House: Gripping and Heartbreaking Fiction by (Like Fripp, Hellen; and read at Bard by Jill Fox)

What’s the best piece of professional advice you have ever received?
I think to be proud of my successes, accounting that I have made a mark and have influenced policy. Value exists in my brand as a lawyer with a disability. (Bias to the contrary).

What do you think is the best, most challenging, or most unique thing about working in academic medicine (or your field or specialty specifically)? 
Being a lawyer with a disability.

What do you hope to gain from this online community?
Build new relationships. Shape discussion on disability inclusion with a sub-focus on tech. Perhaps future opportunities.

Did you have an unusual path to your current career?
I have enjoyed a great adventure personally and professionally. My career has been complicated, however. Indeed, while I have "beaten the odds" for blind people; I have encountered substantial bias and even "micro aggressions" as a lawyer with a disability.

Thinking about all conferences, workshops, webinars you have attended in the last few years, was there a speaker or session topic that stands out as your favorite? 
I recently enjoyed the CHARGE hosted virtual "happy hour" on disabilities and healthcare tech.

How do you prefer to start your day?
Black coffee. In addition, I start early daily -- well at least often -- at 6 A.M. with Bowie. Dog duties.

How do you prefer to end your day?
I pray. I often read. Bowie has taken to snuggling with me in bed.

You’re throwing a dinner party and can invite 3 people (alive or dead).
President Lincoln, Brother President Ted Roosevelt, and President John Adams

How did you maintain your wellness and resilience during the pandemic? Any tips to share with others?
Being blessed to have a great wife and a great dog: Bowie.

You live/work in Baltimore. What’s your favorite restaurant there? Is there something special we should check out next time we visit?
Italian wine bar near my house

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
First, a garbage person; then an air force pilot (until I learned I would need to "see"); then a marine biologist; most of all, a historian.

What do you do to turn things around when you’re having a bad day?
Massages. Yoga. Walking. Swimming.

If you could only have three apps on your smartphone, which would you pick?
Sound Scape (App in the blindness community BARD (My reading app); Lyft (For transport)

What’s the weirdest food you’ve ever eaten?
Anything in the terrible time I spent in Belgrade.

Is there anything else you'd like to add?
I sing.

​Say “hello” to Gary here in the community! Feel free to post any questions you have for him in this thread, or direct message via the community is also a great way to connect.

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