
3 minutes with Samar Hegazy

By Penny Schnarrs posted 06-22-2023 03:45:37 PM


@Samar Hegazy has been teaching as an assistant professor at Carle Illinois College of Medicine - UIUC for three years. If you want to discuss pathology, curricular developments or integration, reach out to Samar (she/her). Get to know more about Samar and feel free to connect with her in the community. #memberspotlight  

If you’re viewing this Member Spotlight as a non-member of the community, won’t you consider joining us? 
What should people in the virtual community contact you about? 
Instructional Strategies, Curriculum (design, developments, and evaluation), Integration of foundational sciences in medical curriculum, educational scholarship, and research, evidence-based teaching, clinical/translational cancer research.

What was the best book you most recently read?
Leadership For Health Professionals: Theory, Skills, and Applications.

What’s the best piece of professional advice you have ever received?
To learn how to say “no” to things that do not add value or expand expertise, so I can focus my efforts on increasing the impact of my work and contributions rather than spreading myself thin.

What’s the worst piece of professional advice you have ever received? 
To limit my work and contributions to my current job duties. I have expertise/training in different areas, and I would still like to build on some of this expertise in an innovative way and expand it to my current work for a meaningful impact.
What do you think is the best, most challenging, or most unique thing about working in academic medicine (or your field or specialty specifically)?
The most unique thing is that pathology is an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary science that bridges the gaps between foundational and clinical sciences; there are limitless opportunities for new discoveries and applications.

What do you hope to gain from this online community?
I aspire to translate my experiences into service, exchange experiences with other members, and collaboratively contribute to enhancing the rigor of resources/services provided by the AAMC to the community of academic medical educators.

How do you prefer to start your day? 
A cup of coffee and a piece of chocolate.

What’s the biggest misconception people have about your position?
That I am only a foundational science educator with limited contributions to the clinical field.

How did you maintain your wellness and resilience during the pandemic? 
By reading and meditation.

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A doctor.

What do you do to turn things around when you’re having a bad day?
Go for a walk, talk to a friend, or do something fun.

If you could only have three apps on your smartphone, which would you pick?
Health, Whatsapp, Kindle.


Say “hello” to Samar here in the community! Feel free to post any questions you have for her in this blog post, or direct messages via the community as also a great way to connect. 

If you’d like to be featured in a future Member Spotlight post, reach fill out this form. Curious about what a community champion is? Read more here.

And, if you’re viewing this Member Spotlight as a non-member of the community, won’t you consider joining us? 

