
Reflecting on a Successful LSL Weekend: Highlights, Insights, and Community Connections

By William Allen posted 11-17-2023 03:38:24 PM


Hello Community Members!

We're thrilled to share the success of the Learn Serve Lead (LSL) weekend hosted by the AAMC! This premier learning and networking event brought together educators, students, residents, researchers, clinicians, administrators, and health system leaders for thought-provoking discussions and invaluable connections. If you missed some of the action you can find the featured plenary videos from AAMC leaders LouAnn Woodward and David Skorton are now public, offering insightful reflections.You can check the out video here! 
Additionally we would also want to give a warm shout-out to our community member who hash tagged the event via social media @Tannaz Rasouli, who attended LSL. It looks like she had a fantastic time, and we invite you to explore her here social media post here!
Thanks to all who participated, making LSL a memorable and enriching experience. Let's build on the connections and inspiration gained during this fantastic event! Please feel free to comment any of your experiences and we would love to see your time or connections during the Learn Serve Lead weekend! 
