
Member Spotlight: 2 minutes Melvin Speisman

By William Allen posted 05-24-2024 12:45:00 PM


Stop by and introduce yourself to @melvin speisman, MD FACP. Dr. Speisman is an Assistant Professor in the Division of Academic Internal Medicine at the University of Illinois College of Medicine, where he has dedicated the past 25 years to fostering a supportive environment and professional excellence among medical students and faculty. We're thrilled to showcase his impactful work this month! Join us in exploring our #MemberSpotlight and delving into Melvin's inspiring journey!

If you’re viewing this Member Spotlight as a non-member of the community, won’t you consider joining us?

Why do you think engaging in the AAMC Virtual Community is important?

To share ideas on medical education at the national level

Do you have a professional skill or area of expertise that might be of particular interest to your peers in this community? Are you the “go-to” person at your institution for advice or expertise in a particular subject?

Bedside teaching at an advanced level

What should people in the virtual community contact you about?

Medical Student Bedside teaching

What was the best book you most recently read (or TV show/movie) that you watched?

Covenant of Water

What’s the best piece of professional advice you have ever received?

Find your niche in the division of academic internal medicine?

I realized my niche is medical student education in the form

of bedside teaching

What’s the worst piece of professional advice you have ever received?

Withdraw your grant proposal for med ed project

What do you think is the best, most challenging, or most unique thing about working in academic medicine (or your field or specialty specifically)?

Being able to collaborate with amazing people

What do you hope to gain from this online community?

Share ideas on medical education for this current generation of students

Did you have an unusual path to your current career? Tell us about it

I realized as an intern in Internal Medicine at Northwestern University that

my mission in life is to teach medical students and residents.

I have stuck with this concept for over 25 years. The next 25 will focus on

bedside teaching of medical students on their internal medicine clerkship

Thinking about all the conferences, workshops, webinars you have attended in the last few years, was there a speaker or session topic that stands out as your favorite? Who?

Faith Fitzgerald MD inspired me at the American College of Physicians meeting

to focus my passion of teaching at the bedside not the classroom (no table rounds)

How do you prefer to start your day?

Breakfast is a great way to start a day.

How do you prefer to end your day?

Checking on the wellness of my mentees that are now professors of medicine.

What’s the biggest misconception people have about your position?

That the current generation of students are supportive of their attending MD

You’re throwing a dinner party and can invite 3 people (alive or dead). Who do you invite?

Tony Bennett, My wife Ann, David Sorkin

How did you maintain your wellness and resilience during the pandemic? Any tips to share with others?

Exercise Dailly

Zoom Dinner Parties

You live/work in Chicago. What’s your favorite restaurant there? Is there something special we should check out next time we visit?

In Chicago two of the best are: Alinea and Monteverde

Check out the Art Institute of Chicago and The Chicago Botanic Gardens

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

a physician

What do you do to turn things around when you’re having a bad day?

listen to music.

If you could only have three apps on your smartphone, which would you pick?

up to date, waze, apple music

What’s the weirdest food you’ve ever eaten?

skate wing

Say Hello to Melvin here in the community! Feel free to post any questions you have for him in this blog post, or direct messages via the community are also a great way to connect. 

If you’d like to be featured in a future Member Spotlight post, reach fill out this form. Curious about what a community champion is? Read more here. 

And, if you’re viewing this Member Spotlight as a non-member of the community, won’t you consider joining us?   #MemberSpotlight

